If you’d like to get caught up on our past services, check out our YouTube channel.
When do we worship?
Sunday Worship Service
We worship every Sunday at 11:00 am. For those who are unable to attend due to health concerns or for any other reason, we will continue to have an online digital gathering available every Sunday at 11:00 am as well.
Why do we worship?
We believe our great God and Savior Jesus Christ is worthy of our praise and adoration. We confess our beliefs every Sunday as we give to God the praise he deserves. We confess our sin because without acknowledgement of sin there is no need for a Savior. We confess God’s faithfulness because without acknowledgement of God’s grace there is no hope for salvation. We give careful attention to the reading and preaching of God’s word.
What should I expect?
We’ll sing some songs, read scripture, recite the Lord’s Prayer together, and hear God’s word. Don’t worry about what to wear or what to do if you’re running late. Just come as you are and God will take care of the rest.
Nursery & PilgrimKids -
Nursery care / is available during Sunday Worship service and Christian Education time. Infants through age 3.
PKids Clubs / available at 10 AM