Daily Meditation - Psalm 91

Many of you take advantage of daily scripture and meditations, either in book/booklet form, in the YouVersion app or other forms. Pilgrim will be offering brief meditations as well. Today's is from Psalm 91.

Background- While the author is unknown, many attribute it to Moses. There are references to war and pestilence, but specific circumstances of the Psalm’s composition are not known and it may be that this Psalm is not tied to any particular historical circumstance. Certainly, the principles announced in this Psalm are timeless and applicable to us all.

Read Psalm 91
1. In your own words, summarize what the Psalm is saying.
2. Meditate on verses 1 and 2-
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” What does it mean to dwell, to rest, to call the Lord my refuge? These are important words. How would you describe the relationship between a person and God where these terms are pertinent? Do these words describe your relationship with God?
3. Compare Psalm 91 with John 15:1-17. Understanding that we cannot be saved by our works, should we nonetheless be more diligent in dwelling, resting, abiding in Jesus? Is there a race marked out for us in which we should run with perseverance?
4. What does this Psalm promise and to whom? Does this Psalm guarantee that you will not catch a disease or be killed/murdered? Has God already protected you from harms which are known to you? Might He also have protected you from harms unknown to you? Can these promises be primarily for Christ in a more perfect way and for us to the extent that we abide in Him?
5. How can we abuse the promises in scripture? E.g., see vv 11-12 vis a vis Matthew 4:5-7
6. Add your own questions. This Psalm is a great comfort to God’s people, but He wants us to struggle with it to gain a deeper understanding and be changed. Ask God to increase your faith and understanding and bring you into His shelter.

Pilgrim Church